Remembering Operation
Identity’s First Meeting

The first gathering of what became Operation Identity was held in March of 1979. The first official meeting as O.I. was held May 24, 1979. We have the minutes of that important meeting, as follows:
We had 34 in attendance and 16 joined that evening. Our memberships are $15 and they are family memberships. The corporation papers are being prepared, as are the non-profit status. Pam Bell was elected President, Sally File Vice-President, Pat Intenmot Secretary-Treasurer. Reaction from the group was great. We have a search committee, a legislative committee, and a newsletter committee, as a start. We will meet once a month, with a board meeting prior to the general meeting. The board will consist of the officers, chair-people, and interested members. Pam, Sally, and Pat met with New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici while in Washington, D.C. for the American Adoption Congress. We discussed the issue of open records for adult adoptees, and sent him a follow-up letter. We were unable to meet with Senator Harrison Schmitt and in place sent him a letter on the issue. Operation Identity wants to help the movement in any way it can and stands ready to help.

The records also contain a list of those who attended. If anyone reading this was at that first meeting, or became a member in the first year, please write and tell us your memories, what’s happened in the intervening years. We’re hoping to write a history of O.I. to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary next year. Send your story to Barbara Free, 1818 Somervell NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112.

Excerpted from the October 2003 edition of the Operation Identity Newsletter
© 2003 Operation Identity